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curl-6 said:
ps4tw said:

.....Yes I know and I've never said otherwise. But the audience for PS/XB is far, far, far larger than that of the WiiU because Killzone and Infamous appeals to two different audiences whereas all of Nintendo's titles appeal to just one audience. Why can you not deal with that?

Because it's incorrect. Nintendo franchises appeal to young and old, male and female. Killzone and Infamous appeal to only one audience; males 14-40.

If Nintendo appeals to such a large audience, then why has the WiiU and GC bombed? *oh snap*

RolStoppable said:
ps4tw said:
RolStoppable said:

So you are too proud to admit being wrong even in a case that is 100% certain?

Still ignoring what I said isn't going to prove anything...I'm going to laugh my ass off in 6 weeks when I'm proven right. 

Waiting six weeks isn't going to change anything. It's really not healthy for discussions if one party is incapable of admitting to being wrong.

Why are you repeatedly making the same assertion without actually providing any sort of weight to your claim? Screaming "wrong" doesn't make your point right, no matter how many times you say it.