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mornelithe said:

Um, well, first of all, I've no problems admitting that I'm not completely up to speed with every countries political structure, so commenting on something I know little about is stupid.  I don't live there, I don't see the political discourse on a daily basis, why would I start spewing commentary about the UK, or any other country when I'm not read up on the subject?

Nothing of what I said, was influenced by patriotism/nationalism, more like apathy. 

I think you misread my post. I didn't say that you were being nationalistic/patriotic. I said that all countries political systems are fucked up... but the people living in them don't see it because of blind patriotism/nationalism.

For example, I sometimeson imgur, and on there I constantly see posts from Canadians / Europeans about how awesome their countries are, and then you see comments from Americans going on about how they wish America was more like these countries. The problem is that the Canadians/Europeans posting have a Stockholm Syndrome going on, and so they paint this lovely picture, when it's not the case.

The reason I made the post is because you said "As far as the US is concerned, I have no say" (paraphrased), I was just pointing out that it's not just a US problem.