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Wright said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
Wright said:
Zekkyou said:

Giving people a demo to play and saying it's real while knowing it's not is the lesser evil? :p

Well, that's lying as well, so it's a tie here.

yeah as far as statements go.

But then you look at the games and one looks worse than the other from what was shown

Tons of games tend to look worse than when shown, especially on E3. Which there's no shame in admitting that you couldn't fullfill your technical marvels, like in Killzone 2, which brings me back to what I was trying to say: I'd rather have Guerrilla Games doing as best as they can, and not deceiving people because they couldn't get to the objectives proposed. So there's always room for improvement, and at the end of Ps4's lifetime, they can finally release a game with unmatched graphical quality and fidelity. That's how I see it.


That being said, as I said before, I'm not agreeing with giving people demos that do not show the real thing. Even if it is actually a great game and not a Alien Colonial Marines fiasco, it's still a lie.

But you dont understand.... They did meet the objectives proposed. Thats why no-one noticed the difference remember?

Theres no shame in using another method.

There is shame in showing off a game and then just downgrading it because you couldnt be bothered to optimise it and get it looking how it was intended.

and btw the final version of KZ2 looked better than the E3 version. Characters looked more human and had realistic skin and the clouds didnt look cartoony like at E3. The characters models (like armour and clothes) and environments also had extra details added.