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Okay. This is stupid. I'm black. This is a Mario game. This Italian Plummer. That already makes 7 characters that need to be white by extension. Mario, Metal Mario, Baby Mario, Luigi, baby Luigi, Wario, and Walluigi. Then there are essentially only three other characters that happen to be white, again amounting to 7 because of clones. Peach, Pink Gold Peach, Baby Peach, Daisy, Baby Daisy, Rosalina, and Baby Rolalina. If you discount all clones and count the family as one unit, that's FOUR FUCKING HUMANS. Every other character in this game is a monster of some kind! Who the hell cares if Mario's Italian centric family doesn't shoehorn in a black person for "diversity?" If I want to be diverse, I'll be a koopaling, or I'll be my fucking mii.

If Nintendo responds to shit like this by making a token black Mario character, I'll be pissed.