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Fusioncode said:
sales2099 said:

The NPD reaction theory is pure speculation on your part, as well as everyone else who says this, trying to somehow downplay the reveal of Xbox's flagship IP.

People think that MS is cramming a ton of content into E3, something MS said numerous times, so it isn't without basis. That said, your "realism" is just "buzz killing" to kill time between now and E3.

Look, let's say you are right and they end up mentioning them again, which they very well might. The point is that they don't want those to be the definers of the conference, merely apart of it. Instead of spending 15 minutes they may just spend 10, or now just mention X1's new price for a minutes worth of time. They want surprises to define the conference, not things we allready know about and polocies Sony allready does.

Do you even read what you write? It would take 30 seconds to announce a new pricepoint at E3, not 15 minutes. And how much time did they save by revealing Halo 5 with a picture and a title? Nobody's "downplaying" the reveal, it was a lame announcement for their biggest exclusive. Imagine if Titanfall was announced with just a picture and some text? Do you think it would have managed the same level hype that it did? 

If you reread what I swaid they would only take up a minute talking the price and 15 on Halo 5. You also didn't notice how my point was:

They want surprises to define the conference, not things we allready know about and polocies Sony allready does.

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