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vivster said:
fatslob-:O said:
vivster said:

Just didn't think  americans hate the X1 so much. Maybe the Xbox core fanbase is much smaller than I thought.

But I think we'll see everything we need to know in the next holidays.

People have to stop thinking that america has favouritism for a specific console manufacturer ... It used to be once Sony or Nintendo that ruled all of america's console market and not just xbox. The only reason why we obtained this perception that Microsoft is a big leader in english speaking countries is due to the fact that Microsoft held a really strong presence for a long period of time.

Xbox fans keep underestimating that anyone other than Microsoft doesn't have the potential to take back english markets really quickly in a new generation. Much like how Sony fans used to keep thinking that nobody other than Sony could be a market leader. Both fanbases knew little that a new console generation is always a clean slate and in turn Sony fans learned this the hard way when the WII was at the top. 

As I explained elsewhere I do not believe you can still apply the blank slate. The ecosystems are much more integrated since gen7 and a change in console manufacturers leaves a lot behind(friends, achievements, subscriptions etc) that will stop customers from simply changing the system.

There was no such thing between gen 6 and 7 or before that. That's why I believe that brand loyalty is as strong as it ever has been. Not only in US but world wide. It's apparently not strong enough to keep some people from changing but still strong. We will see this holiday when the console prices are the same and enough system sellers are out or on the horizon.

Alright I don't see much argument from staying on one brand because of friends and that's mainly because most people only play single player games/modes. No one is attached to some worthless virtual trophy system as "casuals" couldn't give too shits and they are the majority that make up the PS360 customer base. Only half of the xbox customers actually subscribe like kitler pointed out and not all of them a gold members. 

If brand loyalty was so strong then why isn't xbox dominating NPD yet ? Brand loyalty is at it's strongest in the early lifespan of the systems but as you can see people are no more attached to the 360 than they were with the PS2.