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Then by your reasoning X1 sales should see a noticeable spike as all the people who complained about Kinnect 2 being bundled now rush out and buy one. I believe the large majority of people who allegedly disliked being 'forced' to buy Kinnect are Sony fans who just wanted to see another embarrassing 180. A few might have imagined the potential and possibilities long-term and actually wanted Kinnect destroyed as a viable control interface to maintain the status quo and ensure another Sony 'win'. Mission accomplished!

Microsoft made a number of potentially industry changing decisions early on but then let a group, largely made up of people who hate the company anyway, dictate the X1s future. We'll see how that works out.

One thing's for sure. Microsoft have once again demonstrated they have neither a vision for the future or anything vaguely resembling courage or conviction. Our man Spence is apparently a gutless prettyboy who's highest ambition is to get his 'likes' up on facebook. That's what you get for hiring the handsome. Imho. ;p