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So what does he expect Nintendo to do, turn certain long-standing characters black or hispanic, just so no one complains that there are too many white characters?

I don't understand the point, here. Does Nintendo have any black characters? I cannot think of any. Does that mean Nintendo is intentionally being racist, or does it simply mean people are looking for controversy and being way overly-sensitive about something that has never, ever been an issue in the past.

I think people have truly gone off the deep end if we can't even enjoy a Mario Kart review without talking about racism, or a preview of Tomodachi Life without people screaming that Nintendo is being homophobic.  I mean, this is just getting absolutely ridiculous.   

We need to coin a phrase or word for people who look for controversy where none exists, and then we need to ignore these people.  Otherwise the sane among us will lose our sanity.

A lack of blacks or hispanics in a Mario Kart game does not equal white supremacy, and a lack of option for gay marriage in Tomodachi Life does not equal homophobic intentions.  We really need to dial it back as an industry.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.