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Fusioncode said:
starcraft said:
Ok everyone - we all follow gaming news on a day-to-day basis.

But this wasn't some hyped up announcement, we heard rumours it would happen TEN HOURS AGO!

So, people's personal interest aside, lets be clear. Announcing a main series Halo, especially the first main series Halo on a new console, is ALWAYS a big deal!

Sure it's a big deal but I don't know if this was the best way to announce it. A picture and a release window just seems a bit underwhelming for Microsoft's biggest exclusive. A full blown trailer at E3 would have garnered a better response. This just feels like a knee-jerk reaction to the NPD numbers. Kind of like Nintendo announcing new Pokemon games the same day as their financials came in. Though that was at least a surprise announcement since nobody saw it coming. And for the record, I think Sony made the same mistake with announcing Uncharted 4 when they had nothing to show. 

I dont know - I think they wanted to get the announcement out of the way so that they can have the reveal at E3 and let whatever else they have shine.

Perhaps that is wishful thinking.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS