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Dannythegamer said:
small44 said:
Dannythegamer said:
PS4 is doing a good job, but without historical sales. Yes, PS4 sales are good, but not amazing or extraordinary sales. XO is standing with very low sales at the moment. Sales below expectations of Xbox One, make it look amazing sales for PS4. which is not currently the case.

Is ps4 below xbox360 and ps3 first april if it's not ps4 sale are really extra-ordinary


Xbox 360
April 2006 - 295K
April 2007 - 174K
April 2008 - 188K
April 2009 - 175K
April 2010 - 185K
April 2011 - 297K
April 2012 - 236K
April 2013 - 130K

Xbox One:
April 2014 - 115K


Perhaps because the new consoles (ps4 and XO) still fail to attract its core-hardcore gamers consumers of previous systems. Reasons - Too many cross-gen titles. Shortly variety of titles, price. Maybe Consumers are pleased with  PS3 and Xbox 360. Who Knows. The biggest problem is the bad economic environment. Consoles are not essential services to the population. Long /medium term, the  sales of new consoles will stabilize in lower levels that previous consoles from the previous generations.

Edit: Already posted in a post above, sales of the PS4 are inferior to their predecessors.

No it's not. PS3 sold only 82k in April 2007 NPD.