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BenVTrigger said:

Halo 2 Anniversay (the most loved Halo online game ever) with access to the Halo 5 Beta is a massive system seller. Forza Horizon not as much but still adds to an overall library which attracts consumers.

By no means am I stating MS for sure wins the holidays but they have a decent chance. I keep telling people its too early to claim for sure victory for anyone right now. Especially over individual seasons such as Holiday 2014 specifically.

Sony's E3 could be amazing and they could continue to dominate. Who knows the price drop on the Xbox One may have a real effect coupled with Halo. That's what I mean, don't judge anything in the US yet. 

Worldwide Sony wins hands down no contest.

So, is there any possibility that Sony counters MS' price cut in Nov, to capture the Holidays?  Or do you think they even need to, at this point?  Or is it hard tellin' without seeing what E3 brings...prob the latter, but an interesting ace I think Sony can still play if they need to.