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BenVTrigger said:

Yup I knew this NPD was going to be scary, but as I said earlier May is looking better.

The real problem with these consoles is that they are expensive with VERY little reason to upgrade yet. The vast majority of the big AAA titles are also releasing on last gen consoles that everyone already has and are extremly cheap.

The PS4 / Xbox One need big AAA exclusive titles of high quality and they need them VERY quickly or else this will be far from the last scary NPD

The problem is I think we've been cornered ... The industry's reliance on high budgeted titles has become an issue as more publishers are finding it harder to make a living off funding and developing these expensive games. We need to find a way to reduce AAA title budgets because if that's where the industry is trending towards there will be less and less publishers as the generation moves on and this will largely hurt the foundation for a next generation game industry which wll see an even greater decline as this continues. Sony had the right idea in trying to promote more low budgeted titles for trying to veer the industries reliance on AAA titles. The problem with how Sony is approaching the issue is that these low budgeted titles would have a far bit more potential if they just gave them a little more money to take off and become great system sellers. Sony is essentially hoping they can get a breakout title like minecraft to sell their consoles which are far and few between but this is understandable seeing as how this could work.