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thismeintiel said:
So, PS4 increases the gap in the US by ~85K. What is the gap, now? Gotta be closing in on 500K, now. I'm guessing May will add another ~100K, thanks to Watch Dogs. Even with the price cut, I doubt MS will win June. Probably close the monthly gap, though. September will probably be 100K in the PS4's advantage, again, thanks to Destiny. So, what? We looking at maybe a 800K-1M gap by the end of the year? Wonder when the One is supposed to start closing the overall gap, and win the US, like many have predicted it would.

Honestly unless something major comes from Sony this holiday there is a real chance MS could win the holidays in the US.

They're dropping price, releasing Halo, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza Horizon 2. That's a hell of a line up and so far Sony's this year appears worse. The Order could be amazing and turn out to be the next Uncharted or The Last of Us but that remains to be seen.

MS is in a bad position right now, but I think the holidays will be closer than the race has been in the US.