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Kasz216 said:
totalwar23 said:
ikilledkenny said:
To go to heaven, you must be a kind and generous person, and strive to do good.

Not according to kazadoom, you have to believe in Christianity, otherwise it's not enough.

This really has me thinking. What about the status of the Meso Americans, Native Americans, Africans, Asians, and all of the people who did not get the message about Jesus and God throughout history. The word of God didn't reach them so they went through life not believing in Christianity. So, what, they all went to hell for not believing in something they didn't know in the first place?

Actually according to most christian churches, I believe those who never heard the word of god get a free pass so to speak. Just like everyone who died before Jesus died for peoples sins.

It's only the knowingly turning your back on god after hearing the truth thing that's seen as bad. Which really makes you wonder why the expansion of christianity was so important.

I mean if some guy came to me and said "Hey all! You can all be saved and have eternal happieness... and would have been had I not bothered to come here and start this speech!"

I'd kidna want to punch him in the nose.

cdude1034 said:
The more people share your beliefs, the more power you, in turn, hold. This is the benefit of converting people.

See: The Catholic Church from 200 AD - around 1700 AD, see also, The Crusades. A lot of people believed in the christian many in fact that the church was able to raise an army...


And that's why it only makes sense as a power pull.  If the church itself states that not knowing is a free pass, then there's really no purpose, need, or desire to push others into going to church.  It's hypocritical bullshit to try to control as many people as they can.  The churches have been in control of the Bible and they could translate and steer it any way they wanted to over the thousands of years it's been around.  Then we have people here quoting it like it's the one true source for all information without doubt.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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