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I knew this thread was going to be goofy, but not this goofy LOL. In case you are not trolling. Sony has already done what you give MS credit for doing with the PS3. They introduced the cloud first with Gakai, then MS followed.

They had a digital library first (PSNow will improve on that), then MS followed. They were a multimedia device first last generation with Blu-Ray and a web browser, now MS has those things in the XboxOne. Ms never took risks, while Sony gambled with the PS3.

The EyeToy came before Kinect and MS only bought it because they seen the success Nintendo had with casual gaming. Online gaming was on the PS2 and Dreamcast first. So it was a natural progression which created Live.Sony is giving free games with PS+ and now MS has games with Gold.

Of course Sony's overall plan is the same, which has always been the best and why the PS brand remains popular. Make a gaming device that puts games first unlike MS. Speaking of E3, there is nothing worst than that Project Milo Kinect E3 press conference. That was an embarrassment and they never recovered from that. Also MS said they wanted the 360 to be like the PS2, which explains the console design and controller.