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Because Nintendo saved the video game industry ( they did not have to, they could have gone into coal mining, fishing, brothels etc or any other industry), they don t owe us fans/ console owners any games at all- so once I bought the console I was 100% satisfied- the only reason I bough games after that is due to Reggie saying they needed to sell at least 1 game to reach profitability - so I buy 1 game a month to do my part -
The Wii u is still being manufactured at a loss so don t let the recent info stating ( read Iwatas investor Q and A) otherwise dissuade u from continuing to do your part too!

So as a true Nintendo fan I don t need games but now that they are making games Nintendo thinks we should purchase at high rates- we should do so - they know better not the silly marketplace

We should all be ashamed Nintendo is having to advertise and even explain some aspects of the Wii u - we should trust them on blind faith