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Max King of the Wild said:
we know ps3 is at 80m in begining Nov. We know sony killed ps2 that FY. we know ps3 then must be at 83.1m + Nov. Dec. + 3.4m - ps2 + 11.5m - ps4

No. All we know is they passed 80m shipped in that Q, neither you or I know how many of those 3.5m they shipped in that Q either side of the announcement.

I don't know why I'm even arguing about the large PS2 shipment, I forgot that it was the previous Q1 not the one we're talking about now (duh) that confirms PS3 didn't ship most of that figure with the 80m figure coming after Xbox.

80m during Q4 with a TOP range of 83.5m and a bottom range of 80m. (83.5m being if they shipped their entire shipment last Q after that 80m announcement, 80m being if they shipped their entire 3.5m shipment before that announcement, neither is likely, it's somewhere in the middle)

+ 800k~ or less this Q.

The range is 80.8m - 84.3m, it can't be outside of that as PS3 passed 80m last Q.

After that it's down to opinion when/how they shipped those 3.5m PS3's during the Q. Their announcement was early November where they would be shipping a tonne of consoles either side of that week, in prep of Black Friday.

360 shipments are at 83.7m FYI.

I believe Sony shipped more than 600k during Oct 1st - Nov 1st.