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Onyxmeth said:
GiggityNinja said:
... What's up Onyxmeth's ass?
I don't wanna start a flame/troll war or anything, but seriously. Can't Onyx loosen up a bit? Not only is this a thread where people state their opinion disregarding age, but there's also the fact that there are, in fact, teenagers on the internet. Geez.

Oh, and by the way Onyx, I'm 15, deal with it. And If you argue with me I hope you know that you're trying to win against somebody younger than you... and on the internet. Plus, the "over 9000" is a fad that's developed over the internet. No need to attack somebody's expression by using literal logic.

Listen, obviously you're offended because as a 15 year old you want to be taken seriously. I have no gripes with you personally and I'm not entirely sure why you have one with me? Did I indirectly offend you because I made correlations to two other posters' comments and their ages? Tough shit. The fact is, the first one was a bit of a tease to Nintendo Fan Girl, so unless you're her boyfriend, brother, father, mother, a knight in shining armor or just Nintendo Fan Girl in disguise, mind your business.

Fine, it's not my business. And I have nothing personal against you. But I did have something against the way you (and for generality, anybody) didn't know the meaning behind somebody's post (who was it again? Nintendo Fan Girl?). And before trying to realize that there was a joke/another meaning involved, you tried to make their statement feel inferior logically, and blamed it on their age (this case being 16). That shows that one obviously and shallowly thinks a certain group is stupid, when, in fact, it just shows that they are narrow-minded and judging an entire group before actually realizing the complete situation. You may not be narrow-minded or whatever, and you may have been joking, but your post sure as hell seemed like you were narrow-minded and weren't joking.

So it's really the quick-judging more than anything. But whatever, as a big man, saying "Tough Shit" is gonna make me say "oh yeah, he's right, my bad". And apparently it's gonna work.

*About London Calling, I didn't notice that part, so I'm not really standing up for it.

/debate portion of post

I remember another game I'd 10.

- Dark Cloud 2


Sony will prevail. My 60 gig says so.

PlayStation 3 Games:

- Rock Band
- Rock Band 2
- Soulcalibur IV
- LittleBigPlanet
- Guitar Hero: World Tour