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gorgepir said:

Is it that the pro-ps3 and xbox360 fans have already conceded the next generation "war" to Wii since they know they can't beat it, or that they hope that after one of them beats the other, that console might have a shot to outsell Wii?

The reason I ask is that why all this fuss for second place? - unless they hope they might get first place.

Thats half the reason - its pretty clear that the Wii is the dominator this gen so its pointless to even argue about that.  The only thing PS3/360 people have to say nowadays is 'Wii's graphix, remote and kiddie games don't interest me' and thats totally understandable.  Those people want horsepower.

Since PS3 and X360 focus on similar demographic gamers,  they see the PS3/360 as a rival console more than the Wii.  Most 'anticipated titles' are being released on the high-def consoles and not the Wii.

crappy old school NES games are more entertaining than next-gen games.