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Andir said:
Tavin said:
he made lots of miracles and they still didn't believe in him.

i unfixed your fix

Now as far as the debate.  It is stupid.  None of us can prove any of our stories.  So why then must people continue to try to push their ideas on each other?  You want to feel included, and that you are right.  We are all arrogant sons of bitches and in doing so we are all committing sins under religion's own teachings.  Arrogance is a sin.  Look it up.  We are all going to hell.  End of story.

You think the Buddhist monks high up in the hills minding their own business realize this while we tear each other down?  I think the Bible did give them something.  It gave them the truth of humanity.  We are all egotistical, arrogant, and dominating.  We push our ideas on others as if they are right, and everything else is wrong.  We want to make sure that we believe what we are saying and we seek out the current form of media to try to prove it.  Scrolls, printed text, the Internet....  Why?  That's what works.  Natural selection defined that.  Only those adapted to manipulate others have come to power.  Power begets power and people seek it out to prove that they are right in their own mind.  Religions use the Bible, printed history, and interpretation.  Others use science, reasoning, and theory.

Simply arguing that we are right makes all of us arrogant.  We have no sound proof, no verifiable sources (but the tainted words minced by men over thousands of years to read in the way in which they wanted in both science and the Bible) and no way to resolve this.  So what do you do?


The last people who has posted in this thread haven't been trying to push any belief into no one ... everybody is saying what they feel ... i think the only one trying to sound as absolue truth is you ... i haven't been trying to preach to anybody in this thread, jut giving a few words on some points, and as i already said ... religion and God is something you just have to feel ... to know it in your heart ... whatever your religion is ...  and if you don't believe in anything or are an atheist ... then that's how you feel ... but you can't come here saying that what everybody believes is not true ... 'cause there's no way you can know that ... for example i know what i know ... and you can't change that :)

hope this doesn't sound like an attack to you .. 'cause it isn't :P

-- Live only for tomorrow, and you will have a lot of empty yesterdays today--

 Tavin:  "Old school megaman is THE BEST megaman"      courtesy of fkusumot :)

My mind has changed. My strength has not.    Kamahl, Fist of Krosa