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That's the price paid for the era of "instant gratification". Physical media, brick and mortar shops, all dying out to digital content. In the time it takes me to write this post, I can go onto Steam, purchase and download a new videogame. I can do the same with movies and streaming shows via Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon, Apple TV, etc. I don't have to move anything more than my hands to get it. I don't have to drive to the store, I can buy at 3 AM if I like, and so on.

I called Blu Ray/HD-DVD a bad idea from the getgo. This will be the shortest lived reign of a kind of physical media. Maybe we should just label it "Sony's Folly". Shareholder's are going to have someone's head for only generating 1/3rd of the expected profit.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey