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Justagamer said:
Zekkyou said:

So you made a mocking statement towards a type of comment no one made... Uhhuuuu....

There is nothing wrong with someone simply saying it's another blow to the X1. The X1 is already perceived as being under powered compared to the PS4, the last thing it needs is another major AAA release performing better on its competitor. It could be 890p vs 900p, the end result to the average consumer is still "Oh, PS4 > X1 again."

Considering the general awareness of the title in question, i'd say it's a pretty damn big PR blow to MS.

You can say no one said it, but then what are they talking about? The resolution difference of 900p vs 792p. If they're referencing something else, then, what is it? Point is, the difference between them is marginal, at best. Yes the ps4 is more powerful. But that's not the topic of this thread, now is it? The topic is the resolution. And for it to be a "blow" that implies something big, which this is not.1080p vs 792p would be a blow. Not this. Go nitpick something else.

From a PR perspective being once again beaten by your competitor in an area you've already been repeatedly criticized for is always a blow, it reinforces those criticisms against you.

The average consumer doesn't know the specific difference between two resolutions. Most only understand the general idea that more is better. All they see is that the PS4 has beaten the X1 again. It could be 720p vs 1080p, 900p vs 792p, 890p vs 900p. The result in their eyes remains consistent: PS4 > X1.

No where does "a blow" suggest something big. A punch doesn't have to knock your teeth out to hurt. In this case the X1 has re-enforced the negative perception surrounding it thanks to the "supremacy" of their competitor. For that context "another blow to the X1" seems to fit fine.