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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
setsunatenshi said:
interesting how a few months ago the discussion would be framed as 'yet another multiplay running at much higher res on ps4 than on x1' to 'haha, not all games are 1080p on ps4'.

the goalpost was moved in an interesting way.

but hearing xbox fans enjoying this makes me think about a homeless person laughing about another guy's leaking ceiling... just have some self awareness :)

Love your post, people usualy in those comparison threads say that " we dont care about resolution blah blah blah "  and when a third party makes a game with 900p in ps4 it mathers now, using this to attack sony is weak as fuck, they are not the ones programing the fucking game.


Sony lying to costumers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omfg those evil bastards had an ad for a third party game with wrong info for a couple hours  !!!! burn them all !!! lets get our pitchforks.

I don't think people talking about the resolution as it pertains to other PS4 games are now implying that they care about resolution. They are just pointing out the hypocrisy in those who have spent the last 6-7 months shoving resolution down our throats. I mean, if the last 6-7 months are anything to go by, 95% of the Playstation userbase here should not be interested in Watch Dogs at all now because it's not 1080p. That's where these other people are coming from. And from that direction it doesn't matter if "their" version is 792p or 440p or whatever.

The only people attacking Sony in here are a couple people laughing at Sony's blunder regarding Watch Dogs resolution. Lets be fucking honest here, if MS put up some picture talking about how 1080p60 CoD Ghosts with timed exclusive content was the "true CoD experience" then it turned out to be whatever resolution and frame rate it was at, you'd have threads and posters proclaiming them to be liars, scumbags, cancer on the industry, and I would bet a few people would even still have the pic in their sigs or something. So lets please not act as if a couple posters having a laugh at it is something serious.

That said, lulz @ that bullsh. True experience is on PC I guess.