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Let me start this out with a small explanation.

Recently every pro-PS3 or pro-xbox360 thread that I've read there is a discussion going on that PS3 will catch up to Xbox360 or that Xbox's lead is too great. Pro-ps3 guys say that their system is selling as well as the Xbox360 when you adjust the launch dates, that they have great exclusives, sometimes they continue to say that the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox360 although not that much anymore, that xbox360 is doomed in Japan and ... , and then continue to say that PS3 will finally outsell Xbox360

Xbox360 owners counter with the fact that presently Xbox360 is outselling the PS3, was supply constrained at launch while ps3 wasn't and that they have better first person shooters.


Personally I hope all consoles receive their fare share of the market to keep anybody from having a monopoly.

Finally my question.

Is it that the pro-ps3 and xbox360 fans have already conceded the next generation "war" to Wii since they know they can't beat it, or that they hope that after one of them beats the other, that console might have a shot to outsell Wii?

The reason I ask is that why all this fuss for second place? - unless they hope they might get first place.

In my opinion the Xbox360 might be able to give Wii a run in the US, but will fail to win there and Wii and PS3 will have the best shot at Japan, with the market hugely in Wii's favor. Europe might be up for grabs.

Any thoughts?