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kenzomatic said:
The fractals are intricate and beautiful. They repeat basic patterns, but with an infinity of variations and forms. The world-view emerging from this scientific research is new, and yet at the same time ancient. With a little thought, and the help of this web, you can better understand the significance of Chaos and Fractals

 Chaos and fractals do NOT go hand in hand.  The statement rejects itself.  Fractals are complex patterns formed by a simple formula or smaller pattern.  When you take a bunch of small squares and look at them up close, they look like squares.  If you step back, they look like a screen door.  Further back and they look like cloth, flapping in the win.  They almost seem alive.  Some would actually say they were without looking closer.  They are happy with this reality.  It makes them feel comfortable, safe.

 What he's saying is that we haven't reached a point where we can see the basic building blocks determining the order of things.  We are only seeing the screen door, not the squares.  These patterns are so complex that we could not hope to understand them with today's technology and world view.  Being stuck in a world where people still imagine an invisible being is pulling strings is halting our exploration of this frontier.

Personally, I feel there are things smaller than sub-atomic particles even.  We simply do not have the technology to see them.  These things are all vibrating or orbiting each other producing patterns that we depict as intelligent life, but in fact, it's a VERY complex fractal.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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