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ps4tw said:
zorg1000 said:
ps4tw said:

Blending genres makes no sense. I'm not going to compare Forza to CoD because both have online multiplayer. Racing is a simple concept everyone understands. What karting competition did MK have? Completely agree though that the games will sell very well to existing WiiU owners, just as SB did on GC.

the post i quoted said "competitive, social (easy to pick up) games", u didnt specifically say racing. But anywho according to vgchartz there were 101 racing games on Wii with combined sales of over 57 million. Mario Kart sold well over half that amount, that game alone vastly oustold the other 100 racing games on Wii. U cant say Mario Kart didnt have competition just because it absolutely dominated.

Let's not avoid details - how many of those racers were shovelware? It didn't have competition. If you wanted an easy to pick up, social game, MK was one of the first to get on the list. Anyway, this argument is moot as MK will not have any lasting effect on sales and the game sales will mostly go to already existing customers rather than new ones. So with that being said, as MK won't save the WiiU, nor will SB, can we really see Nintendo supporting this console till 2017?

i assume alot were shovelware but things like Sonic Racing, Need for Speed and Excite Truck/Bots were legit games that were absolutely dominated.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.