_mevildan said: Well we can disagree about motion blur, but blur from a moving camera really can add realism. Look at the first person sequence from the amazing spider man. Without the blur, the scene wouldn't look as good. People have done bad motion blur... that's the problem. Crysis 2 had good blur though. Done in linear colour space. I've done scenes with adaptable shutter speeds and you can get really good results. With better hardware you can have higher shutter speed and more image samples and it will look almost perfect really. As for HDR, i seriously doubt that a single game is just colour clamping instead of transforming the linear -> non-linear colour space. I remember even the earliest DirectX SDK examples used a simple Reinhard tonemap. Clamping the colours above 1.0 would just produced a non-HDR or over saturated image depending on the actual range. Where it goes bad is where the bloom percentage threshhold is too low so bright arears are almost doubled in intensity when bloom is added to the scene (like the Lost Coast). |
I haven't seen the amazing spider man nor played crysis 2, maybe I've never seen well implemented motion blur in games. I simply don't like blurry things :) The only time motion blur makes sense to me is the road right in front of you in a racer. That is motion blurred in real life as well, too fast to keep track of.
Obviously you know more about HDR in games than me. I would like it to work as in digital photography where it attempts to create a naturally lit scene. For example it's almost impossible to get a sunset picture to look right with a digital camera, yet I've no problem looking at the sun set and see the sky in full detail as well as the darker ground. Too many games use the bad form of HDR where details disappear in a bright white wash.
Human vision doesn't really work with a full scene brightness level and static contrast, as your gaze is only on certain parts at a time, which boosts the perceivable contrast range by a lot. Maybe things will get better with 12 bit OLED panels.