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PC Discussion - mac vs. pc - View Post

BenKenobi88 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Mac's. There is nothing I can do on a "PC" that I can't do on a Mac. My Mac runs OSX/XP/Vista (I don't run Vista, but I could).

This means Mac = everything. "PC" = everything but OSX (and OSX is the best part of "everything" :p)

I could go into a hundred reasons why a Mac is better, but the simple fact that a Mac is “PC+more” means it’s better.

 PCs can run OSX as well.

There goes your argument.

The fact is, Macs and PCs are both just a bunch of hardware, and you could tack nearly any OS onto the hardware.

But Macs have locked-in hardware, you can't upgrade it, you can't get a gaming-quality computer cheaply, you can't buy individual parts at all...

So I don't understand why anyone would buy Mac hardware, other than its design.  And let me tell you, I'm not going to spend an extra $1000 to get my PC rig to fit inside my monitor, or be super-thin.

I GLADLY run a big rig with tons of fans, they're not too loud, and they have cool's not the picture of sleek and sexy, but I'm not gonna spend $1000 extra for that. 

If you’re a criminal. Not legally.

And I would never buy, personally, a Mac Desktop. They just don't have anything in my market segment. I don't want a screen built in, and I don't want to start out at $2,800. That does not mean if it's what you want, it's a bad deal. It's still very reasonable, it's just targeting an audience that's not you or me.

The Laptop market is where Apple shines in the mainstream. Mainly because it's locked hardware no matter what laptop you buy.