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A lot of these come down to whether you think game views should be virtual windows to another world, or simulations of cameras. For 3rd person games... surely we should consider the view as a camera of sorts. First person... debatable.

My take...

Chromatic abberation:
That image you show is really horrible, but this effect is good for refractive surfaces and can add realism for sure.

Motion blur:
I think this is a good effect. It's a necessary effect to attain the realism. Of course it's overdone in a lot of cases, but for camera simulation, it will add realism.

Bokeh depth of field:
Your example image is an example of non-Bokeh. Proper bokeh is what is used in games like Killzone: Shadowfall and looks miles better. Again, this is a good thing camera simulation is the desire.

Realistically, should only be used for overbright situations in combination with HDR.

HDR High dynamic range lighting:
Your description here is actually just for iris adaptation simulation. HDR lighting typically describes (in graphics terms) lighting with greater than 8 bits per channel (16 bits at the lowest). This is VERY important for graphics realism.

The rest... not much to say really.