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PC Discussion - mac vs. pc - View Post

BenKenobi88 said:
Game_boy said:
BenKenobi88 said:

I've never used OSX other than a few college classes. It wasn't bad, it was awkward because I had to learn it as I went.

But other than that, I haven't used Macs, and I can still say I prefer PCs, because they're cheaper, I can build them how I want them, and most importantly, I can play games.

I love playing games on my PC, and I'm not going to spend a fortune on a Mac to get a mediocre gaming system. I'm good with my $500 PC and $170 22" monitor that lets me play TF2 on max settings.

And Linux? Do you have an opinion on that?


Uh what about Linux? This thread was about Mac vs. PC I thought. I don't care about Linux. I bet some of them like Ubuntu might be nice to use, but I prefer the Windows support. Windows may suck, but I have no issues using it, and it has the support for all the programs and games, no extra work required.

PCs with Windows are easy to use, because everything uses Windows, especially games. Microsoft sucks, sure, and Windows has problems, but I find it easy to use.

PCs are cheap, they are CHEEEEEEEAP. I can build a PC that is much faster than a Mac, and I'm not just talking about games, for TONS, TONS, TONS cheaper. There's no argument there...any Mac fan that tries to refute it always brings up Dell prices, and that's not what I'm talking about.

PCs are easy to upgrade, and reselling is not an issue for me, because I wouldn't resell any of my stuff...I always pass my computers on to relatives and friends, because it's usually better than their current PC. That only happens about once every 4-5 years amongst me and my friends.


I suppose when anyone says Mac vs PC that Mac OSx vs Windows is what most people automatically think about.
