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CrazzyMan said:

6.5 - is nothing in console market. FACT. It is alot when you haven't sold a single console more than the 360 when the 360 was at 6.5m w/w.

What exclusive x360 games are same quality, as ps3 games? Mass Effect. Lost Odyssey. Banjo Kazooie 3. Eternal Sonata. Blue Dragon. Halo 3. Alan Wake. Left 4 Dead. Just off the top of my head.

Yeah, sure. Just like x360 games - Trusty bell, ace combat 6, Kane & Lynch and etc. Both systems have great games. My point was is that the 360 is no chump in terms of alternate content for games.

Over 5 mln. fans of MGS, over 7 mln. fans of FF, over 8 mln. fans of GT and etc. And declining. Each game you've stated has decreased in popularity over the PS2s lifetime. Whats preventing them from continuing their diminishing returns?

Depend on many factors. Time will show. Very correct. Time will show, but for now, the PS3 is losing to the 360 around 30k a week worldwide. It hasn't gotten any better since the PS3 launched in europe.

Probably. Well GT5 prologue may help too. As Tekken 6. Im sure both will, but both are mid-late 2008 games. By then the 360's lead could very well be much higher.

Just like ps2, first year 10 mln. second and third 20 mln. each. Okay. First year for PS3, 5m units. Second year, 10m. Thats still only 15m and the 360 will be at 15m by at latest, late 2007.

Priceut may help, some people just wait to buy ps3 for 499$. I agree, but is Sony going to drop the price soon enough?

Novemeber-Decemebr x360 in usa made 2 mln. Just thnx to gears. PS3 will have much more AAA titles by this autumn. Now add Japan and Europe. Like I said, the X360 didn't sell the units due to Gears. GRAW sold 1/2 the units of GOW (a big deal of units, fyi, which is around the same of the units that Lair, Drakes, ect, should do) and really didn't move a great deal of systems.

x360 is now doing 2 times better in japan, then in 2006. =)) People complain about price and no games. Whats is x360 excuses for low sales? No sustained J-games vs. PS3 and Wii. It also has to get out of the mire that was the xbox bomb.

Each AAA game will make a 600$ console worth it`s money. FACT. ...Like the AAA Neo Geo games sold tons of systems, right?

Those games are just averages, except maybe DR. Madden - amercian game, so all who wanted to buy x360 for that game and other american games, already had bought x360. And you make the assumption that magically every person that wants Lair, Uncharted, et all, doesn't own a PS3.

600$ system in first 6 month worldwide is dooing same as 400$ system, don`t you see that? Don't you see that unit sales are the same compared to a system the PS2 beat 6:1 last generation?

Price+no games. Just like ps2 didn`t have much games. The PS2 had great games to start with, and always had them + a great price. You have to have both to sell, the PS3 has neither, and looks to only have 1/2 of the puzzle later this year.

People are different, some people will pay 660$ to play just one game. Do you know how much MGS or FF or GT fans for sure won`t buy ps3 for they favourite games? And you assume that 100% of the people that buy these games aren't PS3 owners already? Even if those 3 games magically move 5,000,000 hardware units, thats still less than the lead the 360 has.

It`s only 6 month passed. If after 18 month ps3 will be selling like x360 today, then ps3 is doomed, till then, it`s more then successful system for 600$ and not much games. And in 12 months, the X360 will be selling like the Wii - your point?



Back from the dead, I'm afraid.