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Sleepyprince said:
"2.5 million plus sales in less than 2 months, a flop? Its like dude, do you even think. "

i'm a PS4 owner, never liked Xbox, but Titanfall is amazing for a FPS. So, yes 2,5 millions is a flop to me for this kind of game. It the only interesting next gen title available now and still it struggles to reach Tomb Raider past-gen sales, wich was a comercial failure for SE before reaching 5 millions copies sold.

"Again, when people make these kinds of threads, I feel like they should explain what a flop means in context of the game. TLG is not an expensive game and doesn't have to do big numbers to be a success."

SOTC was an expensive game. Don't see why it would be different for TLG.

But you're right. To me a flop would be :

- 3 millions copies sold all plateform combined for Watch dogs.
- 300 000 copies sold for TLG.
- 4 millions copies sold all plateform combined for Destiny.
- 2 millions copies sold all plateform combined for FFXV.

There are 4.5 M Xbox One sold and Titanfall has sold 1.6M (VGchartz numbers). Titanfall has an attach rate of over 30% on X1, thats a flop for you?

Please stop writing dude or at least read what you write before posting