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Soundwave said:

Most likely what I think Nintendo is working on is a new portable platform that is powerful enough and designed to allow for ports of Wii U games. This is where they will re-release a lot of Wii U games like Pikmin 3, MK8, etc. to make extra profit on those games IMO. 

That new platform will probably be a hybrid one that allows for games to also be played on the TV when at home.

If the QOL pillar takes off for Nintendo, honestly I think they are probably done with dedicated home consoles as a whole. They will have a hybrid portable with TV output platform for games and then QOL stuff for seniors/soccer moms and that will be their 1-2 business punch. 

This! I believe you're spot on here. It just makes too much sense. For years they've relied on the traditional handheld and home console 1-2 punch, and it makes sense this will continue in a new form - traditional handheld/home dock hybrid and QoL. 

It'll be interesting to see if/when this scenario plays out.