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Arcturus said:
Esquoret said:
Arcturus, congrats on Dark Souls 2 plat!
Did you play online or strictly offline to achieve it?

Also, thanks for the update!

Thanks. My entire experience with Dark Souls 2 was done online. I love the online aspects of the Demon's Souls & Darks Souls series, including invasions. Unfornuately, in Dark Souls 2 they've changed the way invasions work. You now have to consume a uncommon item to invade someone, which makes being invaded much less common. In my ~95 hours of play I was invaded only 4 times.

For Dark Souls 2, you can achieve the platinum trophy playing strictly offline. However, there are a few trophies that require you to rank up in two specific convenants. From what I've read, it's much quicker to rank up in these convenants while playing online. As for soloing bosses, I was able to solo all bosses in my first play through. Some were a bit frustrating, but none as frustrating as Smough and Ornstein from Dark Souls 1. They've also provided several NPCs that can be summoned for boss fights throughout the game.

Thanks for the info. Even though you played online, seems like there wasn't much online interactions.

I did hear there's a boss encounter where you're fighting 3 dudes, and I was thinking it's like Smough + Ornstein + another being. But it seems it's not as tough after all. I know there are NPCs to summon, but also that you gotta keep them alive for a couple of trophies. I'd imagine this is most easily done on the first playthrough.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin