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Alby_da_Wolf said:

No, I wrote "should Intel slow down" meaning "if Intel slowed down".
AMD isn't the competitor it used to be in its best moments, but it's still at least some competition in the value range and IMVHO it's too optimistic to think that with no competition at all Intel wouldn't abuse its monopoly position. Its past record gives us no reasons to not worry.

Newsflash, Intel will never slowdown ... AMD has only had 3 good years out of it's entire 45 years in the business. Their shares used to be worth over $30 a piece but now it's less than $5 a share. 

How exactly is selling chips at a loss a competition ? There is no competition, period. Trust me, If AMD left the x86 market right now I bet Intel wouldn't bat an eye and just continue making more processors like no one's business. For the past 8 years AMD has being doing nothing but failing or sucking at the same time according to Cliff Maier to which I wholly agree on.

All the moves that AMD has made in the past years such as respinning the same old chips in the past, spinning off their fabs to globalfoundries, and dropping their high performance x86 segment just shows that their all that desperate.

AMD is nothing but shame and abomination in my eyes after all these years of supporting their one and only worthwhile graphics division. The AMD that I once knew that made the Athlon 64's back in the days weren't so lame or such cowards like they are now. They have dishonored their once good brand and name therefore they are not worthy being memorable anymore in my eyes anymore like they used to be. 

Like it or not this is coming from an AMD graphics chip customer and I only see AMD in a state of disgust or disgrace. It's all their fault for bringing this upon themselves.