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mysteryman said:
ps4tw said:

Yes you can. How are you comparing Mario Kart to Pokemon? There is no racing equivalent on the DS, or the Wii etc. They want a racing game, and there is only one option. If Mario Kart was so loved, why did the GC and N64 tank? The only idea that is laughable is thinking Animal Crossing is competition to Mario kart!

Do you have any examples of games selling >9.45m without broad appeal?

Yeah, smash bros on the GC. Console barely sold, but that game did. Nintendo fans eat up all the franchises that Nintendo kick out, but are a dying breed. That combined with a system that is starving for releases, you'll find that those who buy Mario Kart will also have 3D Mario, DK, pikmin etc because there really isn't competition. 


curl-6 said:
ps4tw said:

Who cares how much it sells when the console its selling on is dead...Anyway stop reframing the argument. The title of the thread is "Wii U rides on Mario Kart". The point is can Mario Kart can save the Wii U? The average person doesn't care for it, so it won't save anything. 

Referring to a system that has yet to recieve its biggest system sellers or reach mass market price as "dead" robs you of any trace of credibility you may have had.

Actually no, wait, your delusion that Mario Kart isn't a widely loved and highly popular franchise already did that.

You mean recieve any system sellers? When I'm proven right I'll expect an apology ;) Keep dreaming, I'll keep my feet firmly on the ground. If Mario Kart was widely loved, explain the GC. Oh snap. 


Symbios63 said:
ps4tw said:

Nope I doubt it will because the only people who care about Mario Kart are the ones who already care about Pikmin/Donkey Kong/3D Mario etc so they will already have the console. That ultimately is Nintendo's failing- to appeal to a large audience rather than a small, but dedicated, group. 

Pikmin/Donkey Kong/3D Mario are game I am interested in. Still, they didn't make me buy the system. Mario Kart 8 + free game definitely will.

You can argue that I may be the only one but the hardware bump we will see at Mario Kart release date will say otherwise...

Thanks for proving my point that Nintendo fans buy the franchises. The problem is Nintendo are not drawing in any new gamers. The new gamer couldn't care less about Mario or DK and the utter failure of karting games on the big 2 show this.