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The PS4 share button cost me my first trophy last night... actually it was two trophies... the challenging and then the platinum trophy in FIFA 14.

The challenging trophy is kind of ridiculous in that you have to play on world class difficulty and score 3-5 goals in at sometimes the 60-80 min mark of in game time to pass the CPU who is already leading by 2-4 goals, and you have to do it usually within 3-5 minutes of real time depending on the setting. Luckily some challenges require less. I finally found one where I was only down by 1 and I had about 1 minute to score one goal to tie a game and force OT. Then I had to score 1 more. Not an easy task on world class. Out of 2 hours of trying I only forced OT about 5 times and then kept losing in OT. My final attempt I forced OT and then double OT and then went to a penalty shoot out. I pressed share to start recording hoping to capture the epic game winning moment. It was! I came back to the game and the PK's went as follows:

Me Shooting/CPU shooting: Make/Make, Make/Make, Blocked/Miss high over the crossbar, Make/Make, Make/and I Blocked the final shot after a the cpu tried a stutter step.

Yes, after a brief celebration and basking in my glory, lol I watched the replays and then I went to save the clip with the share button before clicking "X' to get to go back to the results screen where the platinum trophy would have popped and instead I went to save my clip and caused FIFA to crash. It just quite out. Doh... 2 hours of attempts officially down the drain.

Ahhhh, so I may try that challenge again before it expires, otherwise I'm just going to wait until I get a challenge that only requires me to score 1 goal to win. I read online that those 1 goal challenges can pop up from time to time. Can anyone else confirm this?

Oh and the moral of the story is, I'm never going to use the share button when going for a trophy again. I'll use it again if I'm not specifically trying for something or to capture an MP match or something.