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One thing i find funny on those kind of thread: we all see the sales ranking every week, wee see, much it sold, and how much it isn't. Yet, when the result is announced, people act like was totally unexpected and nobody forsaw this months ago."Oh my god! They forsaw a big loss, and actually had it!!"

By how much the loss is on apr with nitnendo expected? Im seeing number about 400 mil and another in the likes of 350mil? Which one is rigth(in US dollars)

So, for for the next fiscal year:
"Based on these efforts, we project for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 net sales of 590.0 billion yen, an
operating income of 40.0 billion yen, an ordinary income of 35.0 billion yen and a net income of 20.0 billion
yen. Unit sales of the major products used for the forecast are listed on page 15 under the heading of “(5)
Consolidated sales units, number of new titles, and sales units forecast” in the “Others” section. Exchange rate
assumptions for the major currencies used for the forecasts are 100 yen per U.S. dollar and 140 yen per euro."

Which one represent the actual money they will make? i was looking at it and was around 400mil, 350 mil and 200mil US dollars, respectively. What was the previous forecast? 1 billion? Props to then if they manage to make profit with 2 consoles in decline.

"Hardware design isn’t about making the most powerful thing you can.
Today most hardware design is left to other companies, but when you make hardware without taking into account the needs of the eventual software developers, you end up with bloated hardware full of pointless excess. From the outset one must consider design from both a hardware and software perspective."

Gunpei Yoko