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Thanks you, Kasz. Talking to you is as enjoyable as banging the head against the wall :D And mind you, it is as productive.

Kasz216 said:

Oh I mean nothing to refute on the holomodor thing.  This stuff is just something i'm not inclined to dig into due to your general lack of reliability whe it comes to these conspiracy theory like angles as shown when you were completely wrong on the Yakymenko statements, not even knowing when he assumed power.


As for the actual act... with the grain,  do I speak russian?   It's exports after what would closest translate to "Food Requistion" i'd guess.   I'm doing this from memory.

It's not like it's some rare unknown policy or anything.  The tax was something like 40% of expected totals, with yields inflated to the point of where, basically farmers couldn't pay their shit, villiages got blacklisted, and then were basically fucked.

Of course, you really haven't addressed why they'd keep a famine top secret for 50 years punishable by prison time if it was mentioned... or blacklisting or any of that.

Yes, "food requisition", aka "продразверстка". Has been used twice, in 1916 and 1919, but I guess you're referring to the one signed by SNK (Soviet of People's Comissars, bolshevik's government basically). A quote from Great Soviet Encyclopedia (google-translate it if you want):

Декретом СНК от 11 января 1919 П. была введена на всей территории Советской России, позднее — на Украине и в Белоруссии (1919), Туркестане и Сибири (1920). В соответствии с постановлением Наркомпрода от 13 января 1919 о порядке развёрстки государственные плановые задания исчислялись на основе погубернских данных о размере посевных площадей, урожайности, запасов прошлых лет. В губерниях производилась развёрстка по уездам, волостям, селениям, а затем между отдельными крестьянскими хозяйствами. Сбор продуктов осуществляли органы Наркомпрода, продотряды при активной помощи комбедов и местных Советов. П. явилась выражением продовольственной диктатуры рабочего класса и беднейшего крестьянства.

May I ask what exactly food requisition of 1919 has to do with the famine of 1932-33, so called Holodomor?

I severely doubt your knowledge about this piece of history if you manage to f**k up facts this badly. I severely doubt producivity of this conversation since as of now the only "arguments" have been used against me are ad hominem, moving goalspots and opitionated crap not supported by references. May I ask for smth like I did to Badassbab? E.g. here's your opinion, here's my fact -- my fact beats your opinion. At least Badassbab was smart enough to abandon the thread and keep silence on things he has very vague understanding of. While you... well, I said it previously questions of faith and religion are not my field of expertise, educate yourself and get back to this converstaion if you want.