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Liked the Eyrie and scenes with Lysa, Baelish and Sansa. Get a sense of Lysa's issues really well here.

Oberyn came across better in this episode as tactful and cunning as opposed to sniping.

Big point I did not get was Tywin saying the Lannisters were out or running out of gold. Wait. WHAT!? That is an odd change for the show, they definitely had gold and had massive loans out that need to be repaid.

Arya and Sandor as well as Pod and Brienne were fine adding a bit of levity.

Craster's Keep was clearly a bit of invented drama to give Jon and Bran bit to do before getting back to main line.

Another odd thing is how much smaller the world is in terms of travel on foot, horseback and news. It takes months to travel up or down Westeros. Hard for us modern people to appreciate show much larger the world use to be before industrialization.

Overall, fine episode, should be heading into bigger moments in coming weeks