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Play4Fun said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
Play4Fun said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
drake_tolu said:

No, i'm not, and in any case people who are on this site from 4/5 years estimated 30/40 million Wii U...

Those predictions must be 3 years old though.... from when people were under the illusion that nintendo exclusives was selling the wii, not the hardware.

Yeah, Nintendo's exclusives didn't sell the Wii.

You need to check who it is that is really disillusioned.

nope, the software only sold because the hardware got people onboard.

If nintendo software really was that compelling, the wii U wouldnt be on 6.1m.

The Wii would not have sold like it did had it not been for  mainly the Wii___ series.

All the fancy motion controls wouldn't have meant much in the beginning had it not been for WiiSports and WiiPlay.

The software played a more important role than the motion control hardware. Software is always king. Always.

Trying to use Nintendo's fuck-ups with Wii U to downplay the importance and impact of Wii's software is just lame.

The reason Wii Sports and play were popular was because they utilized the hardware well, the motion controlls, which was a defining aspect of Wii's hardware. Do you think Wii Play would sell anywhere near as much if you could only play it with a standard controller.

Nintendo's motion controlls is what kept the hardware selling (and thus, the software that used the hardware well with it). Nintendo's exclusives didnt stop gamecube, N64 and WiiU from tanking