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ps4tw said:
OfficerRaichu15 said:
ps4tw said:

Why is that true for MK8 but not any of the other titles that have so far come out? Like 3D Mario? It's a false economy thinking people like Mario. They don't care - it's just one of the only handful of games on the console that isn't shovelware. 

judging by this it looks like you only like sony

but i disagree 

you need hope and confidence that nintendo will go all out on a mk8 campaign and make people pumped

(i like sony too and also nintendo)

Eh wat? I haven't mentioned Sony once...Why do I need hope and confidence about MK8? It doesn't effect me at all.  I'm saying other than Nintendo fans, most of who already own a Wii U, no one cares about Mario Karts. 

well when you got a name ps4tw

then that assumes you like sony 

and i disagree with no one likes mario kart

mk dd 7 million

mk ds 22 million

mk wii 35 million

mk 7 10 million and counting

just because you dont like mario kart doesnt mean millions of others dont like it

now im not saying its going to save the wii u but 

if it does it would be a miracle


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3