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There's no reason to believe Nintendo when they say they're not going to announce new hardware. Why?

June 12, 2012, they state that they're working on the next portable, not an and that there won't be an XL. Literally nine days later they announce the 3DS XL.

You know, some people actually partially believe what companies say, because we knew there would be one eventually, but Nintendo outright lying, you wouldn't assume they'd announce it the following week.. "Okay, so no 3DS XL? We'll see one in atleast two years, so I guess I won't feel ripped off by purchasing a 3DS now for the time being." *Purchases 3DS. XL gets announced a week later.* "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

The events above are a true story.