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Soonerman said:
I think a lot of people here that are in "support" of Blu Ray are failing to see that it is the mass market that is not adopting BR. My parents are a great example of that. They have Blu-Ray players in every room of the house. They have not bought a movie on BR at all. When they go to RedBox, they rent a regular DVD. And ironically enough, my parents enjoy Netflix and Amazon Prime and enjoy the benefits of streaming. So sucks for Sony that BR did not take off the way DVD did. Despite its advantages, BR is not going to take over like DVD did. Streaming is the way to go because the mass market is money conscious and they will not buy a $5k TV to watch BluRays. They're more than happy witha 40" HDTV to watch online through streaming or a regular DVD.

I think it's more about convenience than money. Whenever I have plans with friends to watch a movie, even though they have several dvd's, we always end up using netflix because it's much easier. You have many options in front of you and even recommendations. It's just easier than going through one's entire dvd collection. And one can use a single netflix account anywhere he goes. Why rent or even buy movies when you can watch them instantly and never misplace them?(There've been several cases where a dvd has been put in the wrong case and it takes ages to find it).