kowenicki said: Wow. That is some response, its just words of course with zero substance. where do I say it is only net income that ? Where? But if you think it doesnt matter then you are bring ridiculous.. Hate you? I dont even know you or care about you. And I have plenty of knowledge and more importantly experience. but ok... I'm wrong, the markets are wrong, the analysts are wrong, the credit reference agencies are wrong... And you're right. |
lol listen to your own advice. U wrote nothing to try to prove yourself.
Also the thing with Sony is that they have so much ip and potential that they aren't using correctly. Sony is able to comeback and a strong one at that. You seem to only talk about the negatives and ignore the possibilites of future growth of Sony. Like a typical MS fan on this forum. You try to act like someone who knows it all yet all you are showing with this post is your ego, no substance.
-Mr Khan