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fallen said:

Sigh, this just shows how Xbox is never gonna win. They finally get the same 1080P as PS4 on a title, the same framerate too, and people just complain about all the other minor differences just as much.

And I watched vids and a twitch stream, the tearing is not nearly as bad as people act. Once again people overblowing any fault of Xbox. And "black crush" is just a gamma issue, and also another big "who cares not that big a deal" really. Except the usual warriors focusing on it.


Oh and of course, this game looks horrible. Lazy devs, remember that phrase that all PS3 titles that ran bad were blamed on instead of the hardware? Tons of games on X1 look better at 1080P and 30+ FPS. Hell tons of games on 360 look better than this game does on PS4 lol.


And for those saying "cant believe X1 struggles even on this crappy looking game" then uhh, you do realize PS4 doesn't maintain perfect 30 either on this crappy looking game. Why not?

Xbox crushed PS2 in all multiplats, 360 crushed PS3 in most, geez people, it's about time Sony finally got a turn after a decade of inferiority to Xbox. Why is it such a big deal?

Are you serious? Minor differences? Did you really watch the comparo video or look at the pictures? It's night and day between the two.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.