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Splosion man and shadowcomplex are fairly old tbh, so your argument there falls short. I won't lie and say I own both like you claim of everyone apparently, but I will say this, I've owned consoles starting the Atari 2600 (my father has it now), and have gamed both on arcades, consoles, and pc's for as long as the 80's. M$ has definitely switched their focus drastically. Has there been a drought on both launches? Definitely. However, looking at the track record from Sony, M$, and Nintendo, I can tell you that M$'s focus is all over the place. Sony lost their way at beginning of last gen, but then the beauty started happening. From Demon's Souls (I have a platinum on it, look up Onikenshi), to Uncharted, The Last Of Us, GoW, Heavy Rain, KZ, Resistance, Ni No Kuni, etc, etc, etc, the hits have been coming back to back. M$ switched their focus on Kinect, then trying to grab the blue ocean like Nintendo did with the Wii albeit doing a mediocre job considering how much they have spent since the original failed xbox. Nintendo's strategy came to bite them in the ass this gen, but luckily they have the handheld market due to an early pricecut and advertisement of non glasses 3D device. 

Truth be told, all businesses are in it to make money, but it's all about how they approach it. Sony finally gained a sense of urgency due to all the losses incurred by the ps3 at the start of the gen. M$ rode high being early in the market by a year, but they still ended up LAST in the gen. Gamers know where the quality is. Sure, I spent many drinking nights with my best friend up till 6-7am EST playing Gears of War 1-2, but the hits have not been consistent, and the effort only diminished and was limited to certain franchises. On the PC I enjoyed the better versions of Crysis, L4D 1-2, Bastion, The Witcher, etc. It's sad when I see people in this site like Kowenicki and that other guy Allard, or w/e his name is, blindly praise M$ at every turn. It's like the D....k is good. Seriously, every company here f.....ed up big time and should be called out on it, but credit should be given where credit is due. Imagine if the PS4 would have had a YEAR head start, heck, M$ would have had to drop the xbone. I am not too happy with the drought on Sony's part, but I am glad KZ:SF has the support it should, despite the mediocre SP campaign, the MP is amazing. As for Nintendo....the 3DS undeservedly is keeping it afloat.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.