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Mr Khan said:

Perception is immaterial. If they deliver the goods, nobody's going to give a fuck how it was done.

Last year they had some good games, but showed them off pretty poorly (Donkey Kong was unexpected in a negative way, and they made both the spectacular Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 look humdrum, especially bad in 3D World's case). If they had put the October ND trailer for 3D World and Mario Kart 8 Press Event trailer for MK8 in that direct, as well as come out face-forward with Cranky Kong and how DKCTF was going to be "epic", then the perception of the show would have been totally different.

And if the media is going out there creating bad press, then it's Nintendo's job to counteract that. Find all the negative articles and get in touch with their writers. Say "we want to invite you to the Treehouse event and the Smash Bros tournament."

Nobody needs to follow the crowd to create the perception that you're working hard. You just have to work hard. Nintendo's not at fault for doing things differently, but for doing things differently and failing to explain why. They should be making the arguments that i'm making, educating the people who think this is some sort of capitulation.

I agree at some extent that if you deliver it doesn't matter perception. Problem is that Nintendo is enough lazy at the directs to put a terrible trailer and then waste time at how Peach can hold on few seconds in the air, like that was more important than a good trailer. Normally, at E3 they put effort to impress and release very good trailers, for example Kid Icarus, Galaxy 2 and Other M. Of course there are bad ones like Skyward Sword, but looks like the exception and not the norm.

Perception has been also very important. Perception of a health company make some invest in that. Perception on a little pretty girl make you ask for a date. Perception of an epic trailer makes you buy the game or at least look for more info. You cannot say simplym that.

Marketing has always been an important factor. When Nintendo has a godly marketing team Wii/DS were unstoppable, but once started to suck the sales declined. Some believes it was because the "natural" cycle for a console, and I agree at some point, but also the lack of marketing and of course games to market.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile