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dgm6780 said:
Fractal of Time said:
Why PS3 will surpass?
600-400=200 difference
Both consoles will have a price-drop this year or next year. They won't drop equally with $200 for example. It's possible for PS3, but it's to huge for 360. So 360 could cut with $100. The difference will be smaller overtime.
400-300=100 difference

Ofcourse 360 will be the first at a magical price point of $199. Then again there are no singstar, buzz or that sort of games for massmarket. And there is very very strong competition from Wii. It will be hard to make new franchises for this genre.

You focused on price and not cost.



XBox 360 + wireless adapter + 2 years online = PS3 (with a bigger HD)

X Box 360 + HDVD player = PS3 (again with bigger HD)



If you look at the cost to get up and running they are nearly the same. It wont take much of a price cut to get

the PS3 to be a BETTER value then X Box 360. Its been said in this thread, but Sony needs to put out a 20GB , no wireless, no memory stick reader version out for $400-$450 immediately. This model would sale near current xbox levels RIGHT NOW! (with the right marketing) well and a game that interests the Japanese.

 Yes, I see your cost thing as well, it's just that many people do not want online (I think only 6/10 Xbox users are online) or wi-fi, or HD-DVD, although you do have to remember that the 360 comes with the headset, and the PS3 comes with card readers, but that's irrelevant. What matters is when some mother comes into a store with her young child and says how much is a PlayStation, since the boy has got a PS2, the store guy will say $600, she'll be put off, and not really knowing that if you want everything that the 360 has to offer, she'll opt for that because it's cheaper, and the boy will not get to decide that he wants the one with the good games. This situation probably counts for quite a lot of the market. Of couse, many of these people will decide to just go for the Wii instead.

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