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BeElite said:
Nem said:
BeElite, that is something i believe you are right in, in particular in the US market. But in europe things are a bit different. Customers arent fooled as easily and they dont have as much disposible income.

Anyways, i guess we will have to wait and see. I think E3 will help us with the predictions of the hype meters.

Trust me im from there and this notion that Europe is smarter is bs, they like to think of them selfs as that but they are the same mindless sheep that bow to marketing as everywhere else.  Though they do seem more loyal to brands especially their own, never will Lexus caddy or any one have a hope in hell of dethroning BMW Audi or Benz in Germany for example.  But such notions lack effect in the consoles sales, though do MS no favors. 

That is the result of less disposable income. Europeans cant bet on every horse, they have to bet on the winning one.